Duo te delicata sapientem patrioque, sed magna bonorum id. Mei movet tibique te, dictas atomorum ut sit, debet legere noster ex nec. Sit at aperiri tractatos adipiscing, in platonem molestiae pertinacia nam.
We are honoured to provide a short introductory video from Tourism Vancouver showing our amazing city.
Here are the key dates for the 8th ISPAH 2020 Congress in Vancouver, BC, Canada. 30 November 2019 Symposium and satellite meeting application opens 27 January 2020 Abstract submissions open 3 February 2020 Deadline for satellite meetings and symposia submissions 18 March 2020
We look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful city, Vancouver, in October 2020!
We look forward to welcoming the world to Vancouver in October 2020.
We look forward to seeing you in 2020 at the 8th ISPAH Congress in beautiful Vancouver, BC.